Division and limitation of environmental testing

 The simple division of environmental testing can be divided into “climate environmental testing”, “mechanical environmental testing” and “comprehensive environmental testing”.

Climate-related environmental tests include environmental stress tests such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, while mechanical environmental tests include environmental stress tests such as shock and vibration, and comprehensive environmental tests are stress tests that integrate climate and mechanical environmental factors.


  • Mechanical environmental test: Environmental stress: impact, vibration, collision, acceleration, high noise, high wind
  • Comprehensive Environmental Test: Environmental Stress: Environmental Factors Combining Mechanical Environment and Climate Environment
  • Climate environment test: Environmental stress: temperature and humidity, gas, salt fog, wind and rain, pressure, solar radiation


Of course, tests conducted using environmental test equipment cannot completely reproduce the environment in which the product is used and simulate all environmental factors. Here, the limitations of environmental tests must be understood.

An environmental test consisting of a single factor (temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, shock, or a substance such as salt) is called a simple environmental test.

In fact, it is very difficult to create a completely single environment, and most test environments are very complicated.

Therefore, when designing the test conditions, the tester needs to select the most important environmental factor that has the greatest impact on the product, so the environmental test can only be an artificial environment that is still very different from the real environment.


In general, product defects are caused by the following aspects:


  1. The concentration and diversity of raw materials, friction, wear, stress, heat, current, and electric field strength, these factors will affect the performance of certain aspects of the product;
  2. Factors caused by product characteristics (raw materials, manufacturing processes, structural components, and mass production) during product design and manufacturing;
  3. Stress is generated by the external environment.


Therefore, the test conditions must be based on specific product conditions, which are different for different products.

If the product under test has changed, the corresponding environmental test will also change.


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